I am planning a trip to the KNP and need to check on availability of campsites.
This is my understanding for a reservation: First night selected is 24/07 and the second 25/07, departing 26/07. The total nights should be 2, so why does it reflect 1 night. This makes the basket incorrect and hence I cannot checkout.
Can anyone advise on this?
Jy interpreteer die sagteware verkeerd.
Vul in aankoms datum en vertrekdatum. Moenie probeer invul watter aande jy wil oorslaap nie. Die program bereken dit korrek as jy invul soos ek aanbeveel.
SANPARKS Online Camping Reservation Issue: Cost for 2nd Vehicle
The 4 x 4 community website said that I select 3 dates on the calendar for two nights.
This worked.
As an extension of the reservation process, there will be 3 adults, 1 campsite and 2 vehicles.
What is the cost of the second vehicle?